Pre-engineering and Consulting

The foundations of your project are laid in this early phase.

Two engineers work out the pre-engineering phase in a consulting session.

Focused on Project Objectives
Pre Engineering as the Foundation of Good Project Management

In the pre-engineering phase, the basic documents that form the basis for the basic engineering and detail engineering phases are created, e.g. on the basis of a specification sheet. In this way, the concepts of processes, plant design and project execution are created taking into account all project and product risks.

For the pre-engineering phase, customer requirements and legal or approval requirements are coordinated to enable the best possible rough project planning. The aim of the pre-engineering phase is to use process technology to design the most economically suitable solution for the project.Kundenanforderungen und gesetzliche oder genehmigungstechnische Anforderungen miteinander abgestimmt, um die bestmögliche Grobprojektierung zu ermöglichen. Das Ziel der Pre Engineering Phase ist es, mit der Verfahrenstechnik die wirtschaftlich bestgeeignetste Lösung des Projektes zu konzipieren.

Benefits of the Pre-engineering Phase

The pre-engineering phase provides reliable and objective guidelines for project controlling. In this way, you achieve more planning security and fewer conflicts in basic engineering and can avoid expensive changes in later engineering phases.liefert verlässliche und objektive Vorgaben für das Projektcontrolling. Somit erreichen Sie mehr Planungssicherheit und weniger Konflikte im Basic Engineering und können teure Änderungen in späteren Engineering Phasen vermeiden.

In addition, the pre-engineering phase enables you to take site and customer-specific conditions, such as the existing infrastructure, into account at an early stage.Risiken frühzeitig identifiziert und minimiert, was Projektverzögerungen reduziert. Durch eine fundierte Planung können Ressourcen effizienter genutzt und die Wirtschaftlichkeit optimiert werden.

Klar definierte Projektziele und Anforderungen erleichtern die Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten und bieten Investoren eine solide Entscheidungsgrundlage. Technische Machbarkeit und Genehmigungsanforderungen lassen sich bereits in dieser Phase prüfen.

Pre-engineering Phase Services

Depending on the type and complexity of the project and the industry, the engineering phase may include the following work:

  • Situation analyses
  • Process analyses with system determination and critical point identification
  • Identification of the basic parameters and pre-planning
  • Feasibility studies/concept studies/the development of solutions for processes for new constructions and for partial modernisations or changes to existing plants
  • Economic feasibility studies and budget determination
  • Pre-engineering with process selection, drafting the schematic flow diagram, process flow diagram and P&I diagram, rough 2D and/or 3D layout diagram with the main process components and building structures
  • Creation of specification documents
  • Literature search
  • Creation of site standards/site norms and pipe class ratings
  • Development of rough schedules for project planning
  • Identification of optimization potential in operations
  • Evaluation of supplier offers
Two engineers in process plant engineering are working together on the pre-engineering of a project

The Process of Successful Pre-engineering

The process of successful pre-engineering in process plant engineering begins with an inventory of the existing plant or the planned site. This includes a precise recording of all relevant data on the infrastructure, existing processes and the environment.

This is followed by a process analysis in which existing processes are examined for weak points and optimization potential. This is followed by a basic assessment and preliminary planning. This involves defining basic requirements and developing initial solution concepts.

In the feasibility study, different variants are examined with regard to technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and approvability. At the same time, economic feasibility studies are carried out to evaluate the financial aspects of the project.

The next step is the actual pre-engineering.

A process selection is made and initial flow diagrams are created, such as the basic flow diagram, process flow diagram and P&I flow diagram. At the same time, a rough layout plan is created in 2D and/or 3D, which already takes into account the main process components and building structures.

The basic technical requirements for the main equipment are defined as part of the creation of specifications.

This is followed by a budget calculation and the development of a rough schedule. The expected costs and time frame for the overall project are determined here in order to create a reliable basis for further project management.

Further steps include literature research, the definition of work standards and the creation of pipe classes. Finally, the pre-engineering is validated and approved through coordination with all parties involved, such as clients and approval authorities.