Approval Engineering

We carry out all the approval planning work for your plant and submit the plans to the authorities responsible.

Safety glasses are on a map

Reduce Administrative Expenses
Optimization of Your Approval Processes

Setting up, operating and changing the mode of operation, the properties and the location of plants that are listed in the appendix of the 4th BImSchV directive concerning the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) require official approval. We accompany you throughout the entire approval process and we use our in-depth expert knowledge to support you with initial approvals in accordance with Article 4 BImSchG, amendment notifications in accordance with Article 15 BImSchG or approval applications for fundamental modifications to a plant in accordance with Article 16 BImSchG.

Fast approval procedures offer you many advantages and thus enable you to minimize costs and make projects more financially attractive.

Our services in detail

  • Accompanying consulting and support during the entire approval process in accordance with the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), in the capacity of a planning office and/or creator of draft outlines
  • Consulting with relation to environmental legislation, including the assessment and classification of the subject matter of your application with respect to the German BetrSichV, GefahrstoffV, TEHG, UVPG, StörfallV and TA Luft regulations, industrial emission guidelines and the relevant technical rules and regulations
  • Presenting your project to the approval authority as well as clarifying and agreeing on the type and scope of the application documents with the authorities as part of the application conference or of the application hearing
  • Creating the required approval documents in accordance with the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) on the basis of the state-specific sets of forms or software utilities (e.g. EliA software), including the text passages, as well as integrating other applications (e.g. building applications, drainage applications etc.)
  • In-house creation of the schematic flow, process flow and P&I diagrams with additional information in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10628, as well as all other drawings required for the approval that are non-binding under building law, e.g. source diagram, layout diagram, explosion protection diagram etc.
  • In-house creation of new explosion protection documents and diagrams or revision of existing ones
  • Coordinating the specialist assessors involved (explosion protection, fire prevention, immission and emission forecasts, WHG / AwSV, ecological audit, occupational safety) as well as integrating the required reports into the application documentation
  • Collecting, procuring and preparing all the information needed for submitting the application, such as official layouts, plot certificates, land development plan, land use plan, machines and apparatus lists, hazardous substance register, safety sheets, source of emissions lists and diagrams, hazardous substance storage capacities for assessing the major accident obligations in accordance with SEVESO III, waste balance sheet, volume of waste water, storage, filling and handling plants, production, treatment and usage plants, substances that are hazardous to water, information on the corporate site etc.
  • Creating the electronic application documents as well as the printed copies (between 3 and 15 copies depending on the type and scope of the application) required for submission to the approval authorities as well as for the ordering party/applicant’s documentation
  • Creating and maintaining a register of all official letters of approval
  • Preparation of regulatory registers and coordinative monitoring, control and documentation of implementation measures