The History of Engineering Firm GCEA

We combine professional services with personal values – agreements that are kept to, reliability, respect and honest communication are a matter of course at GCEA.

CEO of GCEA Ronald Groß

Behind the Scenes
Personal. Sincere. Appreciative.

The roots of GCEA - Groß Consulting, Engineering und Anlagenbau GmbH go back to the company Brimmer Anlagenbau, which had been active since 1969 and was succeeded by a newly founded company in 2001.

For Dipl.-Ing. Ronald Groß, founder and managing partner of GCEA, furthering staff expertise is extremely important. He views this as a key characteristic of the company and the reason behind the continual and successful expansion coupled with extremely high levels of customer satisfaction. The excellent know-how and the extensive practical experience of the long-serving project managers, project engineers and technical drawers is pooled within the company and passed on to younger members of staff.

As a reliable partner, the GCEA team thus uses its outstanding expertise, wide-ranging, industry-specific, specialist knowledge and many years of experience to support the customer from the concept to the implementation of new plant projects or with the modernisation/modification of existing plants.


Founding of the GmbH in Bremen Habenhausen


Relocation of the GmbH to Lower Saxony


Order volume of over €1,000,000


10th anniversary, company GCEA and Ronald Groß


Office relocation and expansion


Order volume of over €2,000,000


Order volume of over €3,000,000


Introduction to home office


Long-time authorized signatory Herbert Rohdenburg goes into well-deserved retirement


20th anniversary, company GCEA and Ronald Groß